Sunday, August 21, 2016

Super Cheap Computers, Really!

After more than three months waiting, I finally got my $9.00 C. H. I. P. Meanwhile, I also bought a Rasspery Pi Zero V1.3 at 99 cents!

Here is the photo with banana:

After initial set up, both are booting up like a charm.

And with the old friend:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Raspberry Pi Controlled Cricut to cut SVG files

Raspberry Pi with 512M RAM loaded with 2012-12-16-wheezy-raspbian.img on a Lexar 2G Micro SD (Class unknown)

First of all I want to test it out by cutting a pie in svg format. I got this logo from wikipedia.

Here is my set up, from my laptop I use UltraVNC Viewer to remote to Raspberry PI. The executable and svg files can be downed from WinSCP. In stead of using a real blade, I am using a pen to plot a Raspberry on a blank paper:

And here is the result:

You can watch the whole procedure here:

Saturday, August 25, 2012


How do you like this:

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and this 

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           '.(__(__.-'       '.__)__).' 
Check out this site. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


All right. Let's get it started.
Got a email and it says "APC Goes on Sale through in US and Canada". It runs a custom Android system. The board is pretty neat. Looks it has a lot of potentials. Doesn't know if it supports WI-FI..